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Todd and Darren have been pipe fitters for 35 years each and have seen many changes in the construction industry, with safety being the biggest change.   A company's safety record can dictate whether they can bid on jobs. 


One of the biggest safety concerns on construction jobs is extension cords and welding leads on the ground creating a trip hazard, along with equipment running over them. 


The safer site cord manager makes it way easier and faster to run your extension cords, welding leads, temporary power, temporary lights etc. streamlining the mobilization and demob. Of your job site saving labor costs while creating a safer more organized job site also preventing them from shorting through the structure where they could ruin sensitive equipment and bearings in equipment. With your cords and leads up off the ground it prevents tripping hazards and equipment from running them over and damaging them. Safer site cord managers make personnel more likely to take down their cords and leads when relocating because it is much easier instead of just going to get more. Safer site cord managers have multiple uses such as hanging up safety harnesses or holding danger/cation tape on structural steel about the work area.

Your construction site before Safer Site Cord Manager.

Your construction site when you use Safer Site Cord Manager.

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